
Slay the spire intangible
Slay the spire intangible

slay the spire intangible

Rustam's Pendant: fixed Mantra getting stuck at -1.Quartz Cube: fixed crash interaction with Artifact.Porcupine Quills: no longer triggers on self damage.Iridium Chain: copies are unaffected by Mummified Hand.Finger Trap: no longer prevents damage outside of combat.Ferry Pass: becomes disabled on activation instead of getting removed.Feather Duster: fixed unintended confirmations.Feather Duster: no longer spawns in shops.Boiling Flask: Explosive and Fire vapor damage now affected by modifiers.

#Slay the spire intangible upgrade#

Big Hammer: upon pickup, Upgrade an Upgraded card.Tattered Rug: stopped infinite combo with The Courier.Spinner: displays type of previous card.Sculpting Steel: no longer copies Orrery.

slay the spire intangible

  • Runic Remote: added support for Gensokyo monsters and cards (thanks, wii!).
  • Runic Remote: drops random scaled colorless cards for unknown enemies.
  • Runic Remote: Slime Boss triggers on split.
  • Mudwin's Cradle: now a flat Mantra requirement reduction.
  • Iridium Chain: respects free-until-played effects like Forethought and Setup.
  • Knoch: fixed interaction with debuff-immune modded monsters.
  • Expired Coupon: now has no effect outside of combat.
  • Dhvaja: triggers upon entering Divinity rather than upon exiting.
  • Bookmark: checks for newly upgraded cards each combat.
  • Big Hammer: aligned Infernal Blade++ with Distraction++ and White Noise++.
  • second-Upgrade relics only spawn if you have an Upgraded class card.
  • fixed the Big Hammer/Solitaire infinite upgrading bug (thanks jbcall!).
  • added Aluminium Foil, Bellows, Crucible, Crusader's Map, Elizabethan Collar, Fishing Reel, the Holy Grail, Ice Cube Tray, Knife Block, Lead Dart, Paper Snowflake, Prayer Box, Rabbit Ears, Skeleton Key, Spire of Hannoy, Stimpack, Thumb Drive, and Training Wheel.
  • and to the many people who reported bugs and gave balance and design feedback!.
  • to Slay the Spire Discord members Alchyr, Gk, Jobby, Raz, squeeb, and vex for technical help.
  • to the developers of ModTheSpire, BaseMod, and StSLib, especially kiooeht.
  • thanks to my wonderful playtesters, Grace Ku and Wilson Chung.
  • At the end of your turn, you lose 5 Block.

    Slay the spire intangible